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Why data and reports are crucial for building managers

As a building manager, data plays a pivotal role in making management decisions. Without data, your decisions are purely based upon your emotions and general judgments, which is why you need both qualitative and quantitative data from reports to make the best possible decisions and gather accurate insights on how your building is performing.

Building performance snapshot

Having a report on your building provides you with a snapshot of all the areas in your building. Reports allow for you to be consistently updated and informed on a regular basis, in a concise and structured format for management ease. From this, you can then either make decisions or further follow up issues with the corresponding teams. Reports also act as a great tool to easily make comparisons between particular time frames which is harder to do without automated reports. 

Time efficiency

Rather than having to ask different departments for daily, weekly, or monthly updates, a report is able to gather this information for you. Whilst you may need to discuss areas further, the initial collating of information is all done for you, which saves you time and the hassle of chasing people up – the software does this for you.

Identifies areas of concerns

A building management report highlights areas of concern in your building. For example, you may notice each week in your report there is always an issue with the pools. From this, you can conclude that you may need to allocate more of your budget to pool area maintenance. The report, therefore, allows you to correctly allocate budget and resources depending on areas of concerns or trends identified in your report. 

To ensure the success of your building, reports are a vital tool for building managers to make the right decisions to aid long-term sustainability. To start using automated reports today, book a demo at to see how reports can benefit your property.

Support on Demand

At MYBOS, we offer on demand technical support services to help clients keep their operations running smoothly. Our team of
experts provide fast and reliable assistance to solve any issue. 

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