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The best environmentally sustainable amenities to include in your next development

Recent years have seen a shift in both the building industry and society in general. Whereas once developers were concerned with what amenities were cheapest, now they are spending a bit more to incorporate environmentally sustainable materials and amenities into their facilities, and it’s no wonder why. Besides obvious reasons such as climate change and costing less to run long term, going green attracts a certain kind of tenant – one that is happy to pay a bit more to live or work somewhere that aligns with their values. Keeping this in mind, here are the best environmentally sustainable amenities to include in your next development. 

Energy efficient machinery

Of course adding amenities such as solar panels and energy efficient light bulbs will go a long way in attracting the right kind of tenants, but don’t forget to assess other areas where there is room for improvement. Consider heating and cooling options, dishwashers and ovens. 

Areas for green space

Green spaces have become particularly important for developments in cities and dense metropolitan areas. By finding a way to incorporate nature into your development, you’re ensuring not only that environmentally conscious tenants will want to choose your development, but you will be helping clean the air of your building too. 

Facility management software to reduce paper usage

Software has benefits for both your facility management team as well as your residents. Good software will allow you to handle tasks such as storing and organising documents, managing invoices, and keeping track of defects all in the one location without any need for paper or printing. What’s more is good software will allow you to handle amenity booking from residents, incorporate a public display screen, and communicate in multiple languages. 

Ready to start your journey towards environmentally sustainable amenities? Jump over to and experience the difference today.

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