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Is it time to move into a career in facility management?

Is it time to move into a career in facility management?

If you work in the building or property industry, or would like to work in it, you may have found yourself thinking about moving into a career in facility management. Whether it’s working as a developer, hotel manager or strata manager – facility managers encompass several disciplines to create a building that runs smoothly through functionality, efficiency and safety. If it’s time to move into a career in facility management, read on to find out how. 

Consider the responsibilities

Before you take any big steps into moving into facility management, it’s important to consider the responsibilities of the position and if it really would be right for you. As a facility manager, you would be required to complete the following:

  • Managing day-to-day operational activities of a facility
  • Coordinating and managing maintenance, repairs and cleaning of a facility
  • Reporting on facility expenses and income
  • Managing staff
  • Implementing occupational health and safety regulations

To undergo and stay on top of these responsibilities, a facility manager needs to needs to make sure they have the following qualities in their toolbelt:

  • Strong preperational skills
  • Persistence and tenacity
  • Leadership qualities
  • Problem solving skills
  • Ability to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technological advancements

If you’ve checked all the boxes so far, it’s time to consider education. 

Get the proper qualifications

If you’ve taken the time to do your research and decide this is the right career path for you, it’s time to get qualified. There are a few different paths into becoming a facility manager and it’s up to you to decide which is best for you. Typically speaking, facility manager roles do not always require formal qualifications and you can get the right experience working in the field in support roles. If you want to take the time to get proper qualifications, consider looking at a diploma of facilities management or a diploma or property services. 

Find the right employer

Now all that is left is finding the right employer. Consider areas such as factory management, hotel management, aged care facility management or even strata management. Have a look at jobs in these areas and try to get your foot in the door. 

If you’d like to brush up on what tech to use for facility management, visit and trial.

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At MYBOS, we offer on demand technical support services to help clients keep their operations running smoothly. Our team of
experts provide fast and reliable assistance to solve any issue. 

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