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How you can effectively manage your community

How you can effectively manage your community

If you manage a large building or property, we don’t have to tell you how much of a challenge effectively managing a community can be. With so many people to keep track of, relaying the right information to the right be can often be a nightmare. If you’re looking to find ways to improve your management, keep the following in mind. 

Automate where possible

When used correctly, automation can be a great tool to keep in your arsenal. Not only does automation reduce the time it takes you to reply to or approve a request, it can also speeds up communication on your communities end as they can receive responses in an instant. This means less back and forth and more time for everyone to focus on the right tasks at hand. This can be implemented for maintenance requests, amenity bookings and more.

Spend time keeping your tenant database up-to-date

Making sure you have time aside to focus on your database will allow you to not only keep it up-to-date, but also to fill it out more thoroughly than you may have in the past. Using software much like MYBOS give you a whole array of different sections you can fill in, and the more you can fill in and understand your community members, the more effective you can be at managing them. 

Use software that offers features to enhance user experience

If you’ve implemented software for tenants or your community to use, make sure it prioritises the user’s experience. Say for example your building’s community is largely multicultural, it becomes your best interest to make sure whatever software they use offers a range of language options to reduce friction and create a seamless experience for them. This means communication can be carried out quicker and more efficiently. 

If you want to manage your community more effectively with the aid of software, start a free trial with us at

Support on Demand

At MYBOS, we offer on demand technical support services to help clients keep their operations running smoothly. Our team of
experts provide fast and reliable assistance to solve any issue. 

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