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How to get the most out of your contractor database

If you’ve recently made the switch over to MYBOS, you’re probably still getting used to the vast array of features. Even within those features, there are a lot of different options, making it seem overwhelming. However, if you want to get the most out of your MYBOS experience, it’s worth taking the time to set up each feature properly. Keeping this in mind, we’ve put together a few tips that will help you get the most out of your contractor database. 

Fill out as much as you can

There are a lot of different sections you can fill out in the contractor database. These range from the obvious (name, number, address etc) to areas with more detail (additional contacts, servicing history). We highly recommend compiling as much info as you can. This will help you better understand who is the right contractor for each job. 

Make the most of the notes section

While there are a great number of different sections to fill in, the notes section is a simple little modular area for you to fill out with any points of interest that might be worth referring back to. This could be as formal as their rate per hour or how easy they are to get a hold of, or you can get more specific and jot down conversation points they may have mentioned. This means the next time they come out you can ask about their partner by name or how the new dog is going. This helps to form a better working relationship. 

Upload documents

As with working with any contractor, there are always documents and paperwork to fill out. By using the documents section, you can digital, upload, and keep a collection of any documents associated with that contractor. These can range from invoices to work safe permits to compliance certificates. This really solidifies the idea of a database and means you can access these files even when not in the office.

If you’re ready to organise a sophisticated contractor database, head to and start a free trial today.

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