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How to Ensure Residents Report Maintenance Work

If you’re a caretaker involved in building management, you’ll understand how vital it is that tenants report maintenance work as soon as it becomes apparent that a repair or further investigation is required. Failure to report promptly not only increases the risk that the problem will get worse, depending on the issue, there’s also the potential for it to adversely affect other tenants. That said, ensuring that tenants play their part in effective facility management through prompt reporting can be a challenge. Read on to discover three ways of encouraging tenants to play their part in making sure the facility management system runs effectively by reporting faults promptly.

Invest in building management software that makes it easy

If tenants know that a single SMS or email is all it takes for the defect management software/system to be activated, they’re more likely to report. Simple, fast facility management software makes the task of reporting rapid and accessible.

Use the building management system to respond proactively

If tenants feel that their complaints and concerns “disappear into the ether”, they’re less likely to air them! A high-quality developer management system not only makes it easier for tenants to report, but it also enables facility managers to report back quickly and regularly on how the matter is being resolved.

Build community through an efficient residential management system

Tenants are more likely to report a problem if they feel that by doing so it will benefit not only themselves but fellow residents as well. Initiatives such as a residential website, where common concerns are aired, as well as other forms of residential communication, can help to build a positive atmosphere where tenants feel motivated to report issues “for the common good”. Used correctly, developer management software can be a powerful tool in persuading residents to report necessary maintenance work.

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