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Adapting and Technology

As our world becomes further immersed in technology, the importance of adapting to new restrictions in our workplaces and homes posits an issue for facility managers all over the world. 

There is a need to keep social distancing laws in check, and a software such as MYBOS can support building managers in ensuring their staff and tenants are provided with the safest space to work and live in.

In response to the COVID-19 restrictions, MYBOS has developed a new, free to use module which provides building managers with a tool to track confirmed and isolated cases within a building. Offering new technologies such as this is an important driver for creating a safer and more efficient future for all persons in our community. 

This choice to adapt to the changing landscape of COVID-19 has allowed us to continue providing our service, in addition to creating an opportunity for those who have not used MYBOS to still provide their tenants and staff with a safe option in their day to day processes. 

MYBOS additionally has a variety of modules that can support appropriate communication between staff and tenants with the broadcasting feature offering instant messaging via SMS or email. With the added benefit of tenant filters, grouping your tenants into sub-categories (ie.confirmed cases, isolated cases), targeted messages are no longer as tedious.

We believe that a safer environment will come with properly informing those at risk, and providing those in isolation with regular updates on what they can have access to. At some point, the COVID-19 crisis will end, however for now it is our responsibility to take the correct precautions for our staff and tenants alike and reduce the spread as best we can. 

Adapting to the new restrictions can be difficult for both businesses and the public, however as a society we can take advantage of new technologies and stay connected in the best possible way for the time being.

MYBOS is an all in one system equipped to handle all of your management needs during the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. 

To learn more about multiple other features of MYBOS and how they can help you with building and facility management, visit today and start your free trial.

Support on Demand

At MYBOS, we offer on demand technical support services to help clients keep their operations running smoothly. Our team of
experts provide fast and reliable assistance to solve any issue. 

Don't Just Take Our Word for It!

Ready to unlock the full potential of MYBOS?

We are pleased to offer a free live demo of our software. This demo will give you a first hand look at how MYBOS can help you streamline your properties management processes and improve your overall efficiency.