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4 simple ways to improve your building’s efficiency

As a society, we’ve become increasingly environmentally conscious. So, it’s no surprise that energy efficiency is a hot-button issue in property management.

What you may not realise, however, is making your property more environmentally friendly has benefits which go beyond reducing your carbon footprint.

Are you unsure where to start? If so, here are five easy steps to increase energy efficiency.

1. Read meters regularly

Checking home meters regularly does not, in itself, save energy; however, it will make you more aware of the energy you are using.

To keep track of your energy usage, check meters once or even twice a day. This is a handy reminder to switch off the lights when you leave the room, for instance.

Studies show that by keeping track of energy usage, you can reduce your energy expenditure by as much as 15%.

2. Install energy-saving LED lightbulbs

When looking for ways to save energy and money, lightbulbs are not typically the first thing that come to mind. However, by simply replacing traditional, outdated light bulbs with LEDs, you’ll cut thousands off your yearly power bill.

Along with drastically improving your bottom line, LED light bulbs save money and the environment – a win-win situation for property managers. And, they provide many benefits for residents, as well. LEDs:

  • Provide a brighter light
  • Create an illuminated space, making tasks like cleaning and cooking much easier
  • Require less maintenance than regular bulbs

3. Maintain your equipment

A common complaint from residents is air conditioners and heaters can become easily clogged, making life far less comfortable. To prevent heating and cooling malfunctions, ensure all appliances are in tip-top shape.

And, maintaining maximum efficiency is as simple as conducting regular inspections. During these checks, look for blockages, clogs, dirt build-up, leaks or unexplained temperature changes.

Regular maintenance checks will save you money and keep your residents happy.

4. Arm employees with energy saving strategies

As we’ve seen, there are many ways for you, the property manager, to improve the energy efficiency of your property. However, your efforts may be in vain if your employees aren’t aware of energy conserving equipment or procedures.

It is your duty to inform your workers of these “green” practices and to ensure everyone is 100% committed to reducing your property’s carbon footprint.

The good news is that educating employees is very simple. For instance, you can:

  • Hold a seminar to introduce new equipment and policies
  • Train employees on implementing cost-saving measures
  • Install signs to show employees simple ways to reduce energy use

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