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Using technology in aged care facility management

When it comes to aged care facility management, technology is a great tool to consider. Streamlining your aged care facility services by using technology can reduce your outgoing costs along with cutting down wasted time, not to mention help with creating a safe environment for your residents, visitors and staff. Fortunately, preventative maintenance, COVID-19 tracking and work order management can be streamlined and managed when technology is involved. 

Creating and maintaining a safe aged care facility should be front of mind at all times. Taking into account the different shared areas as well as the private rooms in an aged care facility, there’s a lot to maintain on a regular basis for optimal safety. To ensure best practice is carried out, using a preventative maintenance tool assists the management of regular building safety inspections on emergency services, including electrical, gas and water services to ensure safety and health of residents and staff members. Fortunately, technology can help take control of preventative maintenance with automatic reminders to ensure the maintenance is carried out, actioned and reported.

Whilst COVID-19 isn’t as prominent in our community as it has been in the past, it’s not something to be ignored or dismissed. In the event your aged care facility has a COVID-19 case, you need to be equipped with the right tools to track and manage cases. Fortunately, technology such as MYBOS has a COVID-19 tracker feature which helps you manage cases in your facility. This feature is particularly important in aged care facilities where the demographic is of a higher age group which puts them in a higher risk category for the virus. To learn more about multiple other features of MYBOS and how they can help you with aged care facility management, book in a free demo at

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